Monday, December 16, 2013

Senator Yerima Divorces 17 yr old Egyptian Wife, Marries 15 Year Old


We all know Senator Ahmed Yerima very well. He’s the senator that married a 14 year old Egyptian girl 3 years ago, and as recently as 5 months ago argued on TV that once her girl has reached puberty she can be married, meaning a girl as young as 11 can be married off. He was also strongly against the deletion of the section of the 1999 constitution which pegged the official marriage age in Nigeria as 18 years, saying it was anti-Islam.                                                                                                         

He’s back in the news again as City People is reporting that the senator has divorced the 17 year old girl he married 3 years ago, Marian, and remarried a girl said to be 15 years old. The new wife is also said to be Egyptian and goes by the name, Fathia.                                                                            

According to the magazine, Yerima and four men, said to be members of the Zamfara State House of Assembly were in Egypt a few weeks ago for the wedding Fathia of a new bride said to be 15 years old. According to the report he divorced his last wife, now mother of one in order to marry a new bride which will keep him withing the max of 4 wives allowed by Islam.                                                        

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